Yesterday I was at the festival. There were a lot of people and many balloons. Big stage, where the people performed. They passed by, with different things: large wooden fish, like some kind of wand. In different costumes, funny and interesting. There were also contests. We jumped, ran and won the prizes. There was also delicious food, from which to withdraw, it was almost impossible. I wanted to scream with delight and happiness. Also people played the guitar and banjo, had a good day.
I liked my trip to the festival, I will go again there.
Подробнее - на -
1) Где бы ти предпочла жить? В доме или квартире?
I would prefer live in the big house! Я бы жила в большом доме!
2) Что тебе нравится в твоем доме? Что нет?
I like our big windows and I like that in my home a lot of place! Мне нравятся большие окна и большое наличие места!
3) Тебе нравится местоположение твоего дома?
Yes? I do.
4) дом твоей мечты?
Home of my dream is a big buildin
g with big rooms, swimming pool, tennis court for all my familly! Дом моей мечты это большое здание с просторными комнатами, бассейном и теннисным кортом для всей моей семьи!
This is a boy who is my friend.
Look at the car that I bought yesterday.