throughout history the places people live have changed dramatically. over the years, dwellings have changed from caves to huts, from castles to blocks of flats. yet, the architectural quest for original and creative homes continues.
there are many examples of unusual homes all around the world. for example, there is the all-purple house near london, or the malibu shack with an underground system of tunnels. in miami there is a three-story mansion placed on a private lake, and it even has its own moat. the list can go on and on.
unusual homes are often built to attract the world’s attention by showcasing new architectural concepts and innovations. whether they are convenient to live in or not is debatable. however, one thing is sure. all of them have very high prices and are owned almost exclusively by very wealthy people.
dear tom,
thanks a lot for your letter. it was great to hear from you again. i'm sorry i haven't written for so long, but i've been busy preparing for my exams.
in you letter you asked me about films and soap operas. actually i am keen on watching films. but i've never watched operas. well, i like watching fantasy and detective films. of corse, watching films in the cinema is good, but at home is better. but that's at least for my taste. do you likes operas? what kind of films do you like? have you ever seen soap operas?
anyway, i've to go now because it's time to go to bed. take care and keep in touch!
best wishes,
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1. Christmas is a very popular holiday.
2. There are a lot of Christmas traditions
3. People decorate their houses with a Christmas tree.
4. When people make Christmas pudding they make wishes.
5. There are usually paper or small toys in Christmas crackers.