Not Stated (NS). Teenage Life in Australia Australians consider the ages of 12 to 17 as teenagers. After leaving school and turning 18 an Australian is an adult. Australians have a 13-year schooling system with a pre-school year. Students start primary school when they turn six and continue for seven years. High school begins in year 8 and continues through to year 12. The school year begins in January and ends in November or December when summer begins in Australia. Each school decides how many subjects a student can take, somewhere between five and seven. English and Mathematics are com- pulsory. Students choose the subjects that will continue until graduation. Distance education can be arranged. Students living on the islands do all their schooling through distance education. Every school has a school uniform. Most uniforms are similar and differ in colour. Many teens take part-time work at the local supermarket or fast-food res- taurant. Teens under 16 can't work more than 12 hours
My name is and i will come to your farm next friday. (Меня зовут и я приеду к Вам на ферму в следующую пятницу)
It`s my first time out of the city (я впервые еду загород)
And I would like to know more about your farm (И я хотела бы узнать больше о Вашей ферме)
Do you have a big hoouse or a small one? (У Вас большой дом или маленький)
How many room are there in it? And how many floors? (Сколько в нем комнат? А этажей? )
Can you tell me something about the room i will live in? (Можете мне рассказать что-нибудь о комнате, в которой я буду жить? )
What will we do on your farm?(Что мы будем делать на Вашей ферме? )
Will you let me help you? (Разрешите ли Вы мне Вам? )
Do you have horses? Will you let me feed them? (У Вас есть лошади? Разрешите ли Вы мне кормить их? )
What other intresting things can we do on your farm? (Чем еще интересным мы можем заняться на Вашей ферме? "
I`m waiting for the next friday so much! Hope it will come soon! (Я очень жду следующей пятницы! Надеюсь она скоро настанет!)