My name is Aleksei and my surname is Yudin. I was born in Moscov in July 19, 2004 . I like my city. I was born in this city and I live here. I live with my mom Anastasia and dad Stanislov. My mom is engaged in breeding cats with the breed Pixie-bob, she is a breeder. Pixie-bob is a very rare breed. I love animals so much, and I like looking after them. I have a countryhouse in Dimitrov town. I always go there at weekends. There are my friends there. We ride bikes, and love go to swim to the lake in Summer. I adore my school. It is located near the house. There are alwaws my friend - classmates wait for me there. I'm very happy! Aleksei Yudin
B. Insert the proper words and write the questions. 1) I like dealing with this reliable company. What company do you like dealing with? 2) We usually go to Sochi for our holidays. Where do you usually go for your holidays? 3) She prepared the article for a newspaper. What did she prepare for a newspaper? 4) I bought a new cellular phone. What did you buy? 5) My boss can speak English really well. What language can your boss speak really well? 6) I’m going to start driving lessons in a week. When are you going to start driving lessons? 7) They were late for a job two times last week. How many times were they late for a job?