1) Nothing!
2) anything
3) nothing
4) each
5) every
6) something
1) What did you do yesterday? Nothing! I stayed in bed all day.
Что ты делал вчера? Ничего! Я оставался в постели весь день.
2) Have you got anything to read?
У тебя есть что-нибудь почитать?
3) Can you see that cat over there? No, I can't see nothing.
Вы видите вон того кота? Нет я ничего не вижу.
4) The teacher asked each of the students a question.
Учитель задал каждому из учеников вопрос.
5) Every year we have a big party in July
Каждый год в июле у нас большая вечеринка.
6) There's something on the floor by the door. Is it your coat?
На полу у двери что-то есть. Это твое пальто?
(each - настоящее время
1 The best thing about school is opportunity to communicate with classmates, make friends and get knowledge. The worst thing is wasting my time on learning things that I will forget soon and never ever use in my life.
2 During my holidays I miss my teachers (well, some of them, but not all) and friends. Surely I can hang out with my friends or chat with them on social networks, but I miss the atmosphere of our classes.
3 If I could change my school, I would let all the schoolchildren use wi-fi and have computers installed in every classroom. I would buy all the necessary teaching aids and devices for every subject taught at our school so that our classes were more memorable and fun. And I would like to limit the number of pupils in one class. It is just too noisy when there are more than 20 pupils in class.