Задание 2
1. can you swim well? – No, I can’t .
c) can, can’t
2. may we go to the park? – No, you may not, you are isolated at the moment.
b) may, may not;
3. They must correct all the mistakes in their tests, then submit them to the teacher.
c) must
4. My grandmother could skate, when she was young.
a) could;
Задание 2
1. I need some more spare time to prepare for examination.
a) need;
2. You should look after your little sister, she is so naughty!
a) should;
3. Our parents need to get foreign passports for a business trip.
b) need;
4. Helen should not go to the college, she feels bad.
b) should
Задание делай 3 делай сам
P.s Привет, студент ААДК )))
1 She saw the police car while she was driving to work. 2 I was making the dinner when suddenly the saucepan of oil bursted into flames! 3 She was looking out of the window when she saw the crash. 4 The teacher came into the room while we were plain a game. 5 While I was taking my dog for a walk it began to rain.
Мы используем "Past Simple" когда действие короткое(например:My dad came in;my brother broke the vase e.t.c)
Мы используем "Past Continuous" когда действие длинное(I was sleeping;she was doing her homework,we were cooking e.t.c)