Рассказую о Острове Хортица в Запорожье!
По английски:
I want to invite you to visit the island of Khortytsya in Ukraine. This island is filled with the history of Zaporozhye! There you will see the houses of the Cossacks and many statues! Every Ukrainian should take a walk around this attraction! You can also buy a mace there and much more!
По русски:
Хочу предложить тебе посетить остров хортица в украине.Этот остров наполнен историей запорожья!Там ты увидешь дома козаков и много статуй!Каждый украинец должен прогуляться по этой достопримечательности!Так же ты можешь купить там булаву и много другого!
ответ:1.We haven't seen her since the time she came out of the office 2. I've been in this house for about seven years, but I want to move. live 3. to know this family for five years. They met in Kiev five years ago. 4. he studied German for two years, but then decided to drop out. 5. I'm working in this office since September. 6. His baby was sick for almost two weeks. 7. I can talk to the Director? I'm sorry, he's out. He came out a few minutes ago. 8. My friend called me today? No, she still hasn't called .9. This student does not know the answer, because he has not learned the lesson 10. Why haven't you done your homework? 11. This is the most intelligent person I have ever met. 12. Lately, I have not received from him any PI -. 13. I haven't heard anything about them since they left Kyiv. 14. Today you listened to the news on the radio? 15. He doesn't read very much lately 16. Can anyone give me a notebook? I left my house. 17. How many times have you been to the cinema this year? 18. I just found out these people 19. We are here with five hours and 20. I Know that he's still not back from a trip
Подробнее - на -
1) destination
2) lie
3) mixture
4) performance
5) explore
6) well-known