Frankie went to Grand Central Station to see off his uncle's family.There the train came in a little before 12.He helped his uncle take the things into the compartment.He kissed his little cousins goodbye and gave them each a box of chocolates.Irene, the older cousin said to Frankie she would miss him.Frankie answered he would miss them, too.Then Frankie turned to his uncle and held out his hand.They shook.Frankie said goodbye to his uncle and wished him good luck. His uncle smiled and answered so long.He wished Frankie to be a good boy and added it wouldn't be long before they were back again. Then his aunt kissed and wished Frankie had been coming with them. Frankie answered he wished the same. He could hardly keep from crying thanking them for everything.Then the porter asked Frankie to get off, as they were starting any minute.Frankie stood up and said so long to them.The tears came into his eyes,he turned and got off the train. He heard their goodbye in his ears as he walked down the platform to where their window was and waved to them.The girls had their noses flat against the glass.His uncle was trying to say something but Frankie couldn't hear him through the closed window.The train started.
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