6. Я/скоро/куплю новый мобильный/наверное (I'll probably buy a new mobile soon- Я, вероятно, скоро куплю новый мобильный телефон)
7. определенно/потому что вода слишком холодная/не буду/купаться/я/сегодня(I definitely won't go swimming because the water is cold-Я определенно не пойду купаться потому что вода холодная-)
8. определенно/большая вечеринка по случаю дня рождения/У меня будет/когда мне будет 16 (I'll definitely have a big birthday party when I'm 16 -У меня определенно будет большая вечеринка по случаю дня рождения, когда мне исполнится 16)
1. old
2. school
3. at
4. these
5. subjects
6. marks
Peter isn't here. he is studying at the library.
you don't understand what I'm saying. Michael and Rene are at the sports centre. they are playing tennis. the children don't watch tv very often. Ted goes to the bowling alley once a week.
It’s best shopping centre in town.
shopping centre in town.The flat is more expensive than the other one.
than the other one.This is worst neighborhood in the city.
neighborhood in the city.Carl’s bedroom is bigger than Sue’s.
than Sue’s.Big cities are usually more crowded than small towns.
1. must
2. could
3. you don't have to
4. on
5. across
A: Hello. Can I help you?
B: I'd like a ticket to the London, please
A: Sure. single or double?
B: Single, please.
A: what time would you like?
B: I’d like to take the 10 am bus.
A: ok. that's 15£ please.
B: here you are.
A: thank you, have a nice day!
B: thanks, you too.