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11. соотнесите предложения с вариантом: 1) a) i read this book easily without a dictionary. b) the book is easily read without a dictionary. a) книга легко читается без словаря. b) я легко читаю эту книгу без словаря. 2) a) a lot of new houses are built in our district every year. b) they built a lot of new houses every year. a) в нашем районе каждый год строится много домов. b) они строят в нашем районе каждый год много домов. 12. укажите предложения, в которых 3-я форма глагола является частью сказуемого в страдательном залоге: 1) a) the letter written a month ago came only yesterday. b) the letter was written yesterday. 2) a) these jeans are made in the usa. b) i enjoyed your home-made cake. 3) a) i didn’t like the leading role played by that young actor. b) the leading role was played by a young actor. 13. выберите правильную форму глагола: 1) this bag … for all occasions. a) is used b) used c) is using 2) newspapers … only in the evening today. a) are brought b) will be brought c) have brought 3) the shop … at 6 in the morning yesterday. a) is opened b) was opened c) will be opened 14. укажите предложение, в котором глагол “to be” является глаголом для образования страдательного залога: a) she is washing the baby. b) mother is watching tv. c) father is at work. d) i am going to the cinema. e) a new film is shown in our cinema. f) he will be 16 next year. 15. укажите, какой частью речи являются подчеркнутые в предложениях слова: 1) the new room was light and spacious. a) существительное b) прилагательное c) глагол 2) where shall we place the sofa? a) существительное b) прилагательное c) глагол 3) he will head our delegation at the congress. a) существительное b) прилагательное c) глагол 4) the art exhibition was a great success. a) существительное b) прилагательное c) глагол 16. выберите правильный артикль: 1) … mississippi is the longest river in the usa. a) a b) the c) ─ 2) … jack london is a well-known american writer. a) a b) ) the c) ─ 3) … tea is cold. a) a b) ) the c) ─ 4) on … monday we open at 9 o’clock. a) a b) ) the c) ─ 5) … english are reserved. a) a b) ) the c) ─ 6) it was … cold day. a) a b) ) the c) ─ 17. какое обобщающее слово объединяет следующие понятия: sofa, armchair, table, desk, bookcase, cupboard, sideboard, dressing table, shelf, chair, wardrobe. luggage furniture goods 18. подберите пары противоположных значений: 1) careful 1) slow 2) noisily 2) expensive 3) fast 3) night 4) cheap 4) student 5) daytime 5) dirty 6) teacher 6) stupid 7) clean 7) careless 8) bright 8) quietly 19. поставьте предложения в правильной последовательности так, чтобы получился связный рассказ: 1) he didn’t know what to do with him 2) next day 3) the policeman said. 4) “why didn’t you take him to the zoo? ” 5) “now i am taking him to the cinema.” 6) the man did as the policeman had told him. 7) and took him to a policeman. 8) “take him to the zoo”, 9) the man still had the elephant. 10) “i did”, said the man, 11) one day a man was walking in the park and met an elephant. 12) “and he liked it very much”. 13) the policeman saw the man again. 14) asked the policeman. 20. отметьте, какое из высказываний является правильным: 1) america was discovered in the 17th century. 2) uranium was discovered by einstein. 3) flour is produced from milk. 4) “war and peace” was written by dostoyevsky. 5) pierre and marie curie were awarded the nobel prize. 6) galileo galilei was born in france. 21. прочтите текст и ответьте на вопрос: «как звали продавца? »: when i finished school i went to work at a big department store. the first days there were most difficult. i was sent from one department to another and never knew where they would send me the next day. i thought i would give up the job and look for something else. but a month later things did not look so bad…

11. 1) a – b; b – a
2) a – a; b – b

12. 1) b
2) a
3) b

13. 1) a
2) b
3) b

14. e

16. 1) c
2) c
3) b
4) c
5) b
6) a

17. Furniture

18. 1 – 7
2 – 8
3 – 1
4 – 2
5 – 3
6 – 4
7 – 5
8 – 6

20. 5
4,7(91 оценок)
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Yesterday i went to the cinema.Вчера я была в кино.
I go for a walk with my friends every day.Я гуляю с друзьями каждый день.
My mother doesn't like an ice-cream.Моя мама не любит мороженое.
Jone often reads books.Джон часто читает книги.
Ann loves to cook pie.Анна любит готовить пирог.
Mike plays football every weekend.Майк играет в футбол каждый выходной.
My grandfather watches  TV with grandmother very often.Мой дедушка смотрит телевизор с бабушкой очень часто.
The weather today is good.Сегодня хорошая погода.
Two years ago she played computer games.Два года назад она играла в компьютерные игры.
My brother studied at school three years ago.Мой брат окончил школу три года назад.
I learnt English last Sunday.Я изучала английский в воскресенье.
4,6(26 оценок)
The largest river is the Kama. For the length of the Kama is
6 place among the rivers of Europe, after the Volga, Danube, Ural, don and Pechora. The name of the river comes from the Udmurt word "Kam", which means "big long river".
It starts from a spring in Udmurtia, near the village Flocks. In this place is a pedestal with the inscription: "Here begins the Ural river Kama"
First, Kama is flowing in the stream, but gradually grows in power and becomes a high-water river.
Kama majestically rolls its waters through forests, meadows and fields. Its length was 2032 km, while the creation of reservoirs is declining. Now its length is 1805 km, About half of its journey, about 950 km, it flows within our region.
Kama receives many tributaries from left and right. Right tributaries - flat, quiet, calm. This iniva, Bust, Siwa, etc. Left tributaries in the upper reaches are mountainous, they are fast, rapid, noisy. These include the Vishera with Easyway and Colway, the Kosva river, Chusovaya. It is easy to see that the name of the rivers of Perm region often ends with "WA". It means "water, river".

Sama Kama, the largest left tributary of the Volga.
Kama and its tributaries abounding in water. They are fed by rain, groundwater and snowmelt water in the spring during the melting of snow and ice. In winter the Kama and its inflows, freezes. In the South the ice on the river lasts approximately 140 days, i.e. more than four and a half months, and in the North - 180 days.
The waters of the Kama serves as the energy source. In 1954 it was finished the construction of the Kama hydroelectric power station. It is one of the largest power plants of our country. Her dam is composed of two parts. The right Bank is a concrete spillway portion of the dam, combined with the building of hydroelectric power station. The length of the dam 386 m, width 50 m, height 35 m. the Water raised by the dam, pressing his weight on the blade machines called turbines. Under the huge pressure of the water turbine to rotate and transmit its motion to other machines - generators that produce electric current.
In the South-West of our land in 1961 on the Kama river was completed construction of a second hydroelectric power station - Votkinsk. For its capacity it is two times that of the Kama hydroelectric station. The water level in the Kama river above the new dam rose to 23 meters. Tai was formed at the Votkinsk reservoir. His area of 1120 km2.
Our HPS are part of the Volga-Kama cascade (called cascade located along the river at some distance from each other HPS that are associated with each other). They are members of Association of RusHydro.
Thanks to the creation of the reservoir on the Kama river has improved conditions for the passage of vessels, many tributaries became navigable.
4,6(19 оценок)
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