ответ: Кхм кхм ты бы хотя бы текст дал :/ How did the hamburger become the most popular, most typical American food?It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the “hamburger steak”. McDonald’s sells hamburgers, one of the world’s most famous fast food restaurants.You can find them in Japan, Germany, Panama, Guatemala, Australia, Portugal, Hong Kong and even Moscow. In fact, there are 13,000 in 120 countries.What makes American fast food so popular?Lee Cho, a South Korean, says: “I often go to MacDonald’s. It’s clean, less expensive than other restaurants and saves time.”Natalia Petrova, a girl from Moscow, says “I find the hamburgers very tasty”.Older people are very critical of this sort of food. Lots of young people in the USA are overweight and parents blame these high-calorie foods that their children eat in large quantities.
Объяснение: в США а так да; False
Basketball has been played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936 [баскетбол хэз биин плеэд ин зэ саммер олимпик геймс синс найтин фёти сикс] – В баскетбол играют на Летних Олимпийских Играх с 1936.
Правила игры таковы:
The purpose of game is to score more points than the other team, by shooting the ball in the basket [зэ пэпоз оф гейм из ту скор мор поинтс зэн зэ офен тим, бай шутинг зэ бол ин зэ баскет] – Цель игры состоит в том, чтобы набрать больше очков, чем другая команда, забрасывая мяч в корзину.
Basket [баскет] – так же: бросок.
1, 2, 3-point baskets [ванн, ту, фрии поинт баскетс] – одно-, двух-, трехочковый бросок.
You get points for the throw the ball into the opponent’s basket [ю гет поинтс фор зэ фроу зэ бол инто зэ опонентс баскет] – Вы получаете очки за бросок мяча в корзину соперников
думаю что правилно
1 have been running
2 departs
3 . Where have you been?
4 will wake up
5 had asked
6 will be able