REA Task 2.Read the article about a film actress Jenifer Lawrence an Did you know? Jenifer has never had acting classes. When she was a child Jennifer liked sports and she played hockey and basketball for an all-boys team. She also worked as a model. At the age of 14 she knew she wanted to be an actress, so she went to New York City to look for work. She appeared in advertisements for MTV and the fashion company H&M and got work as an actress on TV. Her family moved to Los Angeles so that Jennifer could work on TV and in films. In 2010 she acted in the film Winter's Bone and she was nominated for many awards including an Oscar. In 2012 she starred in the film The Hunger Games as Katniss Everdeen. When she isn't working, Jen likes painting, surfing and playing the guitar. Circle True or False for these sentences. 1. Jennifer is American. 2. Jennifer's dream was to play in a basketball all-boys team. 3. She is the only child in a family. 4. Jennifer has done some modelling. 5. Jennifer was nominated for an Oscar in 2010. 6. She likes playing the piano.
увлажнитель воздуха. Мы купили его неделю назад.
1 Well, the last thing we bought was а humidifier. We bought it a week ago.
(хьюмидифайэ - увлажнитель воздуха)
2 Почему вы захотели его купить?
2 We wanted to buy it because in winter the air in the flat is very dry because of hot radiators and mum complained about it. She said she had dry cough because of such dry air in the flat. (Мы захотели его купить потому, что зимой воздух в квартире из=за горячего отопления становится очень сухим и мама жаловалаь на это и даже говорила, что у неё иногда бывает сухой кашель от такого сухого воздуха.)
3 Что вы сделали, когда принесли его домой?
When we brought it home we waited for an hour when it gets room temperature and meanwhile studied the instruction for it.- Когда мы принесли его домой, мы выдерживали его час при комнатной температуре, и тем временем изучали инструкцию.
4 Легко было им пользоваться?
Yes, it really was. Just to pour some water in it, plug into the socket and push the power (operating) button. Да, действительно легко. Лишь налили в него воду, воткнули вилку в розетку и нажали кнопку включения.
5 C ним стало легче или труднее?
As for me I didn't feel great difference but mum said the air became not so dry as it was before. - Что касается меня я не заметил большой разницы, но мама говорит, что воздух стал не такой сухой, как раньше.
6 Как часто вы им сейчас пользуетесь?
Almost every night.( We use it every night) - Почти каждую ночь.