ЗАДАНИЕ1 What are the benefits of reading? What is meant by people claiming to read useful? Many people are very busy and can not devote time to reading, preferring to rest for a TV screen or computer.The development of your own imagination. Reading the book you are using imagination, complementing the picture described by the author. Understanding what the book is better movie. When reading you describe in your head picture is one that you like.To study more about the people. and a lot of different.
As for me, Instrumental music is the best type of music where we can only hear instruments. I love piano, guitar and other instruments. Music is melodious and I want to dance. There is solo, ensemble and orchestral instrumental music. Music notes are music letters. And the vocals are her sentences. Що до мене, Інструментальна музика - це найкращий тип музики, де ми можимо почути тільки інструменти. Я люблю піанино, гітару та інші інструменти. Мелодійно звучить музика і я хочу танцювати. Є сольна, ансамблева та оркестрова інструментальна музика. Ноти - це букви музики. А вокал - це її речення. Може зробити по інакшому, якщо цей текст не підійде.
1) 1/2 a teaspoonful of mixed herbs – пол чайной ложки травяной смеси
2) a pinch of salt – щепотка соли
3) grate the cheese – натрите сыр
4) slice the ham into small pieces – нарежьте ветчину мелкими кусочками
5) chop up the onions – мелко нарежьте лук
6) melt – таять, плавиться