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08.01.2020 06:49 •  Английский язык

41. Tom said: “Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood”. a) Tom told Jerry that he had been his best friend since their early childhood
b) Tom said that Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood
c) Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood
42.” Where is the nearest bus stop?” the old man addressed a policeman
a) The old man asked where was the nearest bus stop
b) The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was
c) The old man told a policeman where the nearest bus stop was
43. The teacher said to us, “Be quiet, please”.
a) The teacher asked us be quiet.
b) The teacher told us be quiet.
c) The teacher said to us be quiet.
44. “Could you show me these jeans, please” said the boy.
a) The boy said to show him those jeans.
b) The boy asked to show him those jeans
c) The boy asked if the salesgirl could show him these jeans.
45. “If I were you, I’d stop smoking, ’Jeff said.
a) Jeff said that if he were him he would have stopped smoking.
b) Jeff said that if he had been him he would stop smoking.
c) Jeff advised him to stop smoking.
46 “Don’t swim too far, dear,” asked Dad.
a) Dad asked her not to swim too far.
b) Dad asked her don’t swim too far.
c) Dad asked her if she wouldn’t swim too far.
47.”Ann’s sister did nothing except complain,” remarked Tim.
a) Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.
b) Tim remarked that Ann’s sister did nothing except complain
c) Tim remarked Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.
48. Shop assistant: Would you wait half an hour, please?
Customer: All right.
a) The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said that it was all right.
b) The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait half an hour. The customer agreed to wait.
c) The shop assistant asked whether the customer would wait half an hour. The customer said it would be all right.
49. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, “Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden.”
a) Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, not to wear his best trousers in the garden”.
b) Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith that he didn’t wear his best trousers in the garden.
c) Mrs. Smith told Mr. Smith not to have worn his best trousers in the garden.


41. Tom said: “Jerry has been my best friend since our early childhood”.

c) Tom said that Jerry had been his best friend since their early childhood

42.” Where is the nearest bus stop?” the old man addressed a policeman

b) The old man asked a policeman where the nearest bus stop was

43. The teacher said to us, “Be quiet, please”.

a) The teacher asked us to be quiet.

44. “Could you show me these jeans, please” said the boy.

b) The boy asked to show him those jeans

45. “If I were you, I’d stop smoking, ’Jeff said.

c) Jeff advised him to stop smoking.

46 “Don’t swim too far, dear,” asked Dad.

a) Dad asked her not to swim too far.

47.”Ann’s sister did nothing except complain,” remarked Tim.

a) Tim remarked that Ann’s sister had done nothing except complain.

48. Shop assistant: Would you wait half an hour, please?

Customer: All right.

b) The shop assistant asked if the customer would wait half an hour. The customer agreed to wait.

49. Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, “Don’t wear your best trousers in the garden.”

a) Mrs. Smith said to Mr. Smith, not to wear his best trousers in the garden”.

4,6(78 оценок)
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Boris Mikolayovich Lyatoshinsky

Boris Lyatoshinsky is an Ukrain composer, teacher and conducter. He is today  known and honored as the father of contemporary Ukrain music.

Arriving in Kiev from his Native city of Jitomir, in 1914, he enrolled in the Law school of Kiev university, but, he continued studying music with Reinhold Gliere, in the Kiev Conservatory. He graduated from Kiev university in 1918, and 1919 from the Conservatory, where he soon became the teacher of, and later the professor, he stayed there until his death. He also taught at the Moskow Conservatory. In his late thirty's and early fourty's, he served on the board of directors of the Composers' Union of the U.S.S.R.

Boris lived during an extremely difficult time for his nation, and his music reflects this. While his First Symphony was written under the influence of Wagner, Tchaikovsky, and especially Scriabin, his works of the twenty's reflect his growing enthusiasm for the music of the Ukraine.

Lyatoshyns'ky's Second Symphony was conceived and executed on a massive scale, but rooted in the folk music of his country, embodying his own highest intellectual and spiritual aspirations in harsh and angular music of both great complexity and appeal.

His Third Symphony, is considered the greatest Ukrainian symphony of the last century -- a work that manages to blend a modernist manner with great emotional depth and profundity. But, as was the case with the Second, the Party once again demanded Lyatoshyns'ky revise the work, including composing an entirely new fourth movement.

Lyatoshynsky is a composer of great personal and intellectual strength who fervently believed that his music should incarnate the music of his country in its loftiest form, while remaining comprehensible to an educated audience.

4,5(31 оценок)
Никто не станет отрицать важность современных технологий. Они сделали жизнь проще и лучше во многих отношениях. Технологии лучше всего определять как науку, применяемую для практических целей. Благодаря их быстрому развитию, люди могут использовать много умных гаджетов в повседневной жизни. Большая часть домохозяек больше не стирают вручную. Они даже не моют посуду после приема пищи, потому что посудомоечная машина может сделать это за них. Никто не использует старомодные веники, так как есть продуманные пылесосы. Все эти современные машины почти заменили людей. Тем не менее, это не всегда хорошо. Как и любая другая область в мире, современные технологии имеют свои преимущества и недостатки. Несомненно, полезно иметь в доме такие устройства. Они справляться с домашними делами. Также хорошо иметь такие гаджеты, как ноутбук, MP3-плеер, смартфон, айфон, фотоаппарат, наушники, принтер, сканер, планшет и т.д. Сегодня люди просто не могут представить свою жизнь без этих устройств. Тем не менее, их длительное использование не всегда хорошо для здоровья. Если сидеть часами перед компьютером, можно заработать проблемы со зрением и позвоночником. Сотовые телефоны содержат излучения, отрицательно влияющие на организм человека. Поэтому, многие специалисты здравоохранения против чрезмерного использования мобильных телефонов. Бытовая техника и устройства, которые делают жизнь людей проще, часто приводят к праздности и ожирению. Современные офисы полны автоматических приборов. Вот почему исчезают рабочие места, а люди остаются безработными. В заключение я хотел бы сказать, что технологический прогресс может быть в какой-то степени опасным. Даже окружающая природа страдает от развития науки.Nobody would deny the importance of modern technology. It has made life easier and better in many ways. The best definition of technology is science applied to practical purposes. Due to its rapid development people can use many smart gadgets in everyday life. Most housewives stopped washing the clothes by hand. They don’t even wash the dishes after meal, because the dishwasher can do it for them. Nobody uses the old-fashioned brooms, as there are advanced vacuum-cleaners. All these modern machines have nearly replaced people. However, it is not always good. As any other field in the world, modern technology has its advantages and drawbacks. It is undoubtedly helpful to have smart appliances in the house. They help to deal with household chores. It is also good to have such gadgets as laptop, MP3 player, smartphone, iphone, camera, headphones, printer, scanner, tablet etc. Today, people simply can’t imagine life without these machines. However, it isn’t always healthy to use them for a long time. Sitting long hours in front of the computer leads to eyesight and back problems. Cell phones contain negative vibes that affect human organism. So, many health specialists are against the excessive use of cell phones. Household appliances and machines that make people’s life easier often lead to idleness and obesity. Modern offices are full of self-operating machines. That’s why some jobs are disappearing and people stay unemployed. In conclusion, I’d like to say that technological progress can be dangerous at some extent. Even surrounding nature suffers from scientific advances.
4,6(40 оценок)
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