1. Paraphrases Read the sentence from the reading passage Then choose the sentence that has the same meaning 1. For example, the rainforest floor, home to myriad plant life, as well as insects, worms, reptiles, amphibians, and small mammah, relies on a dense canopy of branches and leaves to keep it healthy and intact.
A) A variety of plants and animals live in the rainforest, both on the ground and in the branches and leaves of the trees
B) The rainforest floor and the many plants and animals that live there depend on the protection of the tree canopy
C) The thick rainforest tree canopy stays healthy as long as the forest floor is healthy
2. Vegetation along rivers and stream banks helps maintain a steady water flow by blocking the entry of soil and other residue, while tree shade inhibits the growth of algae
A) Plants around waterways help keep the water moving and stop the spread of algae
B) Trees and other plants grow on river banks because they depend on the water supply to live.
C) Plants that grow near moving water provide shade to keep the water cool and fresh
1. Many types of animals migrate, but bird migration, in particular, has fascinated observers for centuries.
A) Animal migration is subject that has been studied for many years.
B) People have long observed the fact that many animals, including birds, migrate
C) The migration of birds, more than other animals, has been interesting to people for a long time.
2. When the stars are obscured by clouds, nocturnal migrants become confused and may return to earth or stray off course
A) When the sky becomes dark, migrating birds know it is time to stop and rest for the night. L
B) If birds traveling at night can't see the stars, they might stop flying or get lost.
C) When clouds move in front of the stars, there is not enough light for migrating birds to see the earth beneath them.
in my life, art is the most. I think life without it is not meaningless. Everything will be gray and dull. The world simply can not exist without music, movies, books ... Many people lose their jobs. Art is their life. Without books and music, I do not imagine my life and the life of the world. Everyone enjoys something. I have been dancing and drawing, it is my hobby. It is difficult to remove from my life. Everyone has something without which he can not imagine his life, many of the art вот как бы