3. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous. a) My parents met when they (study) were studying at university. b) I (talk) to my friend when the lesson started. c) I was sitting at home when I (see) the news on TV.
At, are drawing, with, are trying, the, of, simply, passage, to turn, the next, these, your, a, the most, parts, work, rarely, tired, is controlled, parts, brain, move, the, hundreds, from, in, there, nerves, do, fascinating, tell, tea, the, the, are, to forget, found, will not, because, unique, frightening, usual, were watching, of, which, of, raced, found, on, made, mess, the time, here, had gone, on, wouldn't, anything, have, many, who, next, running, good, to, got, at, dressed, late, hadn't, too, took, to, way, to, came, in, was, earlier, said, homework, is, home, that, a, the, to go, ago, a, it, rather, so, stay, for, the, good, although, up, o'clock, for, nurses, each, that, comfortable, it, sleep, -, but, homesick, mossed, excited, see, got, disgusting, like, had, awful, found out, made, eat, the, dislike
Волны за шиллинг. Много лет назад Лондонский театр ставил пьесу, в кот. был большой шторм в море. В те дни в театре не было таких устройств. Поэтому режисер задействовал нескольких парнишек для создания волн на море. Парнишки прыгали вверх-вниз под большой зеленой скатертью. "Волны" получали за свою работу 1 шиллинг за вечер. Они работали несколько недель, но потом режисер решил платить им только полшиллинга. Парни устроили забастовку. И когда начинался шторм, когда дул ветер и шел дождь, море было спокойным и не было волн. Рассерженный режисер поднял краешек "моря" и сказал парням: "Делайте волны, мальчики!" " А вы хотите волны за шиллинг или за полшиллинга?", громко спросил один из них. " Ох, за шиллинг!", -ответил режисер. Парни начали прыгать вверх-вниз снова с такой силой, что шторм произвел фурор. 1. ответ 1 предложение 2. 2 предлож 3. 4 предлож 4. 5 предлож 5. 6 предлож 6. No, they didn't 7. yes, they did. 8. so when then the storm 9. He orded the boys to make waves. 10. " Do you want waves... 11. Oh, for a shilling 12. последнее предложение
At, are drawing, with, are trying, the, of, simply, passage, to turn, the next, these, your, a, the most, parts, work, rarely, tired, is controlled, parts, brain, move, the, hundreds, from, in, there, nerves, do, fascinating, tell, tea, the, the, are, to forget, found, will not, because, unique, frightening, usual, were watching, of, which, of, raced, found, on, made, mess, the time, here, had gone, on, wouldn't, anything, have, many, who, next, running, good, to, got, at, dressed, late, hadn't, too, took, to, way, to, came, in, was, earlier, said, homework, is, home, that, a, the, to go, ago, a, it, rather, so, stay, for, the, good, although, up, o'clock, for, nurses, each, that, comfortable, it, sleep, -, but, homesick, mossed, excited, see, got, disgusting, like, had, awful, found out, made, eat, the, dislike