Представьте что вы поїхали в отпуск, нужно написать имейл англоговорящему другу про... Где вы остановились; что вы сделали; и что вы купили все это нужно написать на англиском
Dear friend Hi, I recently went on vacation! it's so beautiful here! I stayed in a cozy hotel near the sea. I have already had lunch at the restaurant. Later, I decided to go for a swim, so I packed my swimsuit and cream, not so hot anymore. There I bought myself ice cream and a cool jar of water. I also bought a few souvenirs. This is how my day went. Bye! Y/N
In these houses lived the whole elite of the Patriotic music intelligentsia, and composers, and performers, among them Galina Vishnevskaya, Mstislav Rostropovich, Georgy Sviridov and other the eight-storied houses are very similar in its decoration. The first floors have high ceilings and large arched window. The facades are divided by a shaped blades - this brings structures with famous high-rise buildings, the architecture of which were often targeted Soviet designers In the house, in addition to the apartments, is located also the Union of Composers with the Directorate, music and book library, the medical sanitary unit and a small concert invites the beginning XXI century, the building was overbuilt two additional floors, classic an attic and loft. A large part of the residents remains true to the world of music.
They are pupils, aren't they? 2. There are pupils in the classroom, aren't there? 3. They are in the kitchen, aren't they? 4. There are four chairs in the kitchen, aren't there? 5. There are lots of pens in the box, aren't there? 6. There are three pictures on the wall, aren't there? 7. The pictures are on the wall, aren't they? 8. The chuldren are at home, aren't they? 9. There are a lot of children at the stadium, aren't there? 10. The pupils are reading, aren't they?
2 задание.
1. They never go shopping, do they? 2. She never speaks English, does she? 3. She doesn't know anything about art, does she? 4. She knows nothing about maths, does she? 5. You never go to school on Saturday, do you? 6. He said nothing, did he? 7. He will see nothing interesting there, will he? 8. She meets nobody there, does she? 9. They bought nothing to you, did they? 10. She bought nothing yesterday, did she?
Dear friend Hi, I recently went on vacation! it's so beautiful here! I stayed in a cozy hotel near the sea. I have already had lunch at the restaurant. Later, I decided to go for a swim, so I packed my swimsuit and cream, not so hot anymore. There I bought myself ice cream and a cool jar of water. I also bought a few souvenirs. This is how my day went. Bye! Y/N