1. If he's h angry, is face always goes bright red. Present Simple- действие выполняет he, третье лицо единственного числа, к глаголу - подлежащему + окончание -s.
2. The radio doesn't work if the batteries are flat.
3. If there are only a few students we usually closes one of the classes.глагол to be изменится на are во множественном числе.
4. The machine doesn't work if it doesn't have enough oil.
5. If a balloon is filled with hir air, it rises.
6. If water boils, it changes into steam. Water - заменим местоимением it - третье лицо единств. числа, к глаголу сказуемому + окончаниe - S.
7. The machine stops automatically if something goes wrong.
8. Our Math teacher gets angry if we don't work hard enough.
9. If you bring the temperature down, this water turns into ice.
2. Syntax deals with the study of:
C. The regularities determining the combination of words and sentences
3. The definition of the grammatical category in which form and meaning are considered equally important is as follows:
B. The grammatical category is a unity of a grammatical form and grammatical meaning
6. The largest number of grammatical categories that a predicate verb-form can express in a sentence is:
B. Two
23. The following meanings are characteristic of the Continuous Aspect of the verb:
B. Progress, concreteness, incompletion
24. The English Common Aspect corresponds to:
A. The Russian Perfective Aspect
33. The subject of the English sentence can be:
В. Notional and formal
34. The main types of predicate in English are as follows:
Not sure if there's the right answer. Try checking these sources:
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 B
1 have you found 2 bought 3 I've 4 never been 5 hasn't replied yet 6 never 7 have never been 8 went
1 already