1) Belgium(Бельгия)
2) Austria(Австрия)
3) Spain(Испания)
4) Italy(Италия)
5) Croatia(Хорватия)
1) Armenia(Армения)
2) Qatar(Катар)
3) Cyprus(Кипр)
4) Japan(Япония)
5) China(Китай)
1) Algeria(Алжир)
2) Senegal(Сенегал)
3) Egypt(Египет)
4) Marocco (Марокко)
5) Kenya(Кения)
North America(Северная Америка)
1) Haiti(Гаити)
2) Mexico (Мексика)
3) Canada( Канада)
4) Jamaica(Ямайка)
5) Domenican Republic(Домениканская республика)
South America(Южная Америка)
1) Argentina( Аргентина)
2) Brazil(Бразилия)
3) Peru(Перу)
4) Chili(Чили)
5) Columbia(Колумбия)
1) Australia(Австралия)
2) Nauru(Науру)
3) Samoa(Самоа)
4) Tonga(Тонга)
5) Fidgi(Фиджи)
1) Antarctic(Антарктида)
P.S не забудь поставить лучший ответ
October 31 is Halloween. It is a funny event in the USA and in the UK and, now, in many other countries.
Halloween has Celtic origins. The Celtic calendar was divided in two parts. Summer was from May to the end of October and Winter was from November to the end of April.
The colours of Hallowe'en orange and black are of Celtic origin, too. Orange was the colour of the harvest and black was the colour of the winter and long nights. Now, Halloween is celebrated all over the world and it is becoming more popular and popular. Many children and adults go to Halloween parties wearing spooky costumes and creepy masks. It is aslo a tradition to make Jack-O'-Lanterns and Pumpkin Pies. Halloween is not just for children, many teenagers and adults wear costumes and go to parties on Halloween's night.