Dear, Santa Claus. Hello sir, my name is Kkaallaasshh. It was nice to achieve those interesting questions and i would like to answer all the questions you asked me earlier. In my opinion, the most exiting part of travelling is the fact that you are completely new to that country and you are very exited to explore everything about that country. Its quite fun actually, i think you know that feeling, because you always travel to deliver gifts. Also, there are a lot of new amazing, facinating, awesome things that must be seen, tasted, felt... . I know that human beings are not perfect, but i would still love to see the best sides of what an other country, nation has to offer. We have to be responsible for the results of our visit to mother nature, because if we didn't, i think the whole nature would have died. Those signs telling us: "Please pick up you're litter before you leave", "Be aware from wild animals", "Do not feed the animals"-are the main reason why nature is still beutiful. Another reason is that: who else would be responsible for the results after our visit, Animals? Grass? Trees? Our actions are responsible for everything: global warming, earthquakes, tornadoes. Even if they are pure nature, i still think that god himself is angry at us for what we have did to his creation. Love, Kkaallaasshh.
1 Подобно всем современным научным и технологическим начинаниям, компьютеры и программное обеспечение играют все более важную роль. play - Present Simple Active
2 Разработчики применяют достижения математики и физики для того, чтобы находить надлежащие решения проблем и производить улучшения. apply - Present Simple Active
3. Разработкой этой гипотезы занимались многие исследователи. was undertaken - Past Simple Passive
4. Теперь от разработчиков требуется знание соответствующих наук для разработки их дизайн-проектов. are required - Present Simple Passive
Hello sir, my name is Kkaallaasshh. It was nice to achieve those interesting questions and i would like to answer all the questions you asked me earlier.
In my opinion, the most exiting part of travelling is the fact that you are completely new to that country and you are very exited to explore everything about that country. Its quite fun actually, i think you know that feeling, because you always travel to deliver gifts. Also, there are a lot of new amazing, facinating, awesome things that must be seen, tasted, felt... . I know that human beings are not perfect, but i would still love to see the best sides of what an other country, nation has to offer.
We have to be responsible for the results of our visit to mother nature, because if we didn't, i think the whole nature would have died. Those signs telling us: "Please pick up you're litter before you leave", "Be aware from wild animals", "Do not feed the animals"-are the main reason why nature is still beutiful. Another reason is that: who else would be responsible for the results after our visit, Animals? Grass? Trees? Our actions are responsible for everything: global warming, earthquakes, tornadoes. Even if they are pure nature, i still think that god himself is angry at us for what we have did to his creation.
Love, Kkaallaasshh.