ответ:However, it is this external "boredom" that gave rise to the famous traditions of British Christmas. ... Crackers are a mandatory attribute of the festive British dinner, which begins at lunchtime or late afternoon on December 25 and continues until the evening, when tea ends. Firecrackers are laid out on the table next to the appliances for food. To open them it is accepted as follows: the owner of a firecracker undertakes one end, his neighbor on the left - for another, hands should be crossed
Однако именно эта внешняя "скучность" породила знаменитые традиции британского Рождества. ... Хлопушки — обязательный атрибут праздничного британского ужина, который начинается в обеденное или позднеобеденное время 25 декабря и продолжается до вечера, когда заканчивается чаем. Хлопушки раскладываются на столе рядом с приборами для еды. Вскрывать их принято следующим образом: хозяин хлопушки берется за один конец, его сосед слева — за другой, руки должны быть перекрещены.
Put the words in the correct order to make a cleft sentence.
a to do / must / is / we / What / stay calm / all try
What we must all try to do is stay.
b started / the demonstrators / It / who / the trouble / wasn't
It wasn't the demonstrators who started the trouble.
c only / It / last week / that / was / she finally / got in touch
It was only last week that she finally got in touch.
d like / we / about Australia / What / the marvellous / is / weather
What we like about Australia is the marvellous weather.
e that / only / you can park / after 6.30 / It's / for free / here
It's only after 6.30 that you can park for free here.
f do / should / now / is / What / get / rest / you / plenty of
What you should do now is get plenty of rest.
g I realised / It / I got home / only / that / I'd picked up / was / the wrong coat / when
It was only when I got home that I realised I'd picked up the wrong coat.
h like / is / living / traffic / here / the awful / What / I don't / about
What I don't like about living here is the awful traffic.
i a barbecue / having / suggested / wasn't / It / who / me
It wasn't me who suggested having a barbecue.
j annoys / is / really / What / to us / you lied / the way / me
What really annoys me is the way you lied to us.