Раздел 3. (задания по грамматике и лексике)
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the proper grammatical form of the capitalized words.
Dining and Entertaining
The British enjoy (1) ___ at home. Guests should be ENTERTAIN
punctual, though it (2) considered rude to be five BE
or ten minutes late. Guests also should sit down when
they (3) to. Table manners are Continental, i.e. INVITE
the fork (4) in the left hand and the knife in the HOLD
right while (5) . When through with a meal, the EAT
British lay their fork and knife parallel across their plate.
People (6) out with a group of British friends DINE
should (7) to toast before the meal if it’s formal; PREPARE
at a pub, though, they (8) to pay for a round of EXPECT
drinks for everyone. If (9) to a meal at a restau- INVITE
rant, the person extending the invitation usually pays.
(10) about the check! NOT ARGUE
2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words derived from the capitalized words.
(1) etiquette dictates that when invited to CULTURE
someone’s home, you should bring a small gift for
the (2) . Feel free to express your gratitude with HOST
a note or a telephone call. It is important to respect
the (3)desire for (4)___ . RITAIN/PRIVATE
Don’t ask (5) questions about family back- PERSON
ground and origin, profession, marital status, political
(6 ) ___ or money issues. It is considered extremely PREFER
(7) ___ to violate a queue, so never push ahead in a POLITE
line. When it comes to clothes, there are no (8) RESTRICT
on how to dress. Men and women wear wools and
tweeds for casual occasions. Do not wear a blazer to
work - it is country or (9)___ wear. On (10)___ ENDWEEK/FORM
occasions, always select an outfit that fits the dress
code. When attending a holiday dinner or (11) CULTURE event, such as a concert or theatre (12) , it is PERFORM
best to dress (13) . FORMAL
Once upon a time there lived a small dinosaur. He was very kind and clever dinosaur. His name was Livi . He lived in a castle whith his family . But one night a big stone falled to the Livis garden. The stone was red and very hot . Livi went in to the garden and saw someone strange. Someone was moving ! Livi came closer . And he saw that someone was extraterrestrial ! Livi said " Hello , what is your name ? " to extraterrestrial . Extraterrestrial run away ! After this noone saw an extraterrestrial . But Livi new that he came to the garden every night and searched for stone that some night fell to Livis garden.