District Kurkino. 1. The district Kurkino has many beautiful and pure streets for an example: Vorotynsky street Zaharinsky street Rodionovsky street Sokolovo-Meshcherskaja street Street Solovinaja Roshcha Jurovsky street 2. The district Kurkino has very deautiful two and ancient temple. Temple of the Vladimir icon of Bozhiej of Mother and Alexander Nevsky's Temple in Kurkino. 3. In district Kurkino there are many modern school and the nursery school, all there institution are equipped by modern equipment. 4. In district Kurkino there are many children's centers and athletic fields.
1.Задайте общие вопросы . Is she from Scotland? Does she live in Scotland? Is she in Scotland? Does she like Scotland? Does she want to visit Scotland? 2. Вставьте Is или Does Is he a teacher? Does he meet the teacher? Does she buy toys? Is it a new toy? Is the teacher busy? 3. Напишите, что происходит обычно(а) и что произошло вчера(b) 1. I/buy cheese. a) I usually buy cheese b) Yesterday I bought sausage. 2. he\give a) He usually gives toys to the children. b) Yesterday he gave books to them 3. she/have a) She has parties on Sunday. b) She had a party yesterday. 4. they/make a) They always make sandwiches. b) Yesterday they made cakes.
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