He usually meets his sister on Fridays but he ___ her last Friday.
Didn’t visit
What ___ at 6 p.m. yesterday?
Were you doing
Kate ___ along the country road when her car broke down.
Was driving
___ dancing lessons?
Have you ever taken
Do you want something to drink? No, thanks. I ___ a cup of tea.
Have just had
Jill is feeling ___ now than she did last week.
I …..to work tomorrow.
My room has been in a mess for days. So tomorrow afternoon I it.
Am going to clean
Chris ___ a truck before.
Has never driven
Health is ___ thing in our life.
The most important
Complete the sentence: any of his films?
Have you ever seen
Complete the sentence: - Do you want a coffee? - No thanks, one.
I’ve just had
Complete the sentence: Is your brother here? – No, he
hasn’t arrived yet
Complete the sentence: This is city I’ve ever been to.
the nicest
Chose the right form of the verb: He went to the supermarket __ some milk.
to get
Chose the right form of the verb: What will you do if you __ the exam?
don’t pass
Chose the right form of the verb: If we had a garden, I ___ a dog.
would buy
Chose the right form of the verb: I wouldn’t camp near a river if I __ there were crocodiles there.
Chose the right form of the verb: What are you going to do this weekend?- I don’t know. I___.
might go away
Chose the right form of the verb: You ___ coffee late at night.
shouldn’t drink
Chose the right form of the verb: I’ve known my best friend___.
for ten years
Collection (from Latin collectio - collecting, collecting) is a systematized collection of rare objects, united according to some specific feature, having internal integrity and belonging to a specific owner - a private person, organization, state.
Examples of
Baldin collection
Dzikov collection
Zoological State Collection Munich
Collections of the Herbarium of Moscow University (Unassembled collections in the Herbarium of Moscow University)
Brezhnev car collection
Collection of landmarks of the Russian Empire
Peggy Guggenheim Collection
Collection of seeds of cultivated plants Vavilov
Collection of modern religious art
Filippi collection
Frick Collection
Meteorite collection of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Imperial Collections Museum (Tokyo)
Museum of Private Collections
Museum of photographic collections
New collection A collection in programming is a program object that contains, in one way or another, a set of values of one or different types, and allows access to these values.
The collection allows you to write values to itself and retrieve them. The purpose of a collection is to serve as a repository for objects and provide access to them. Collections are usually used to store groups of objects of the same type that are subject to stereotyped processing. Various methods can be used to refer to a specific element of a collection, depending on its logical organization. An implementation may allow individual operations to be performed on collections as a whole. The presence of operations on collections in many cases can greatly simplify programming.
1 вчера построили новый дом(a new house was built yesterday)
2 я вчера купил новую машину брату(İ bought a new car for my brother yesterday)
3 я съел бутерброд(I ate a sandwich)
4 наш сосед купил себе новый дом(our neighbor bought himself a new house
5 мы переехали в Турцию(we moved to Turkey)