1. We have known each other for four years.
2. I always wanted to learn English.
3.Where is Nina?
- She's been home for two hours.
4.Where are the children?
-They are still playing in the yard.
5. My brother has been an engineer for three years.
6. My friend knows English from childhood.
7. I've been watching you for half an hour.
8. Is your brother still sick?
"No, he’s already got better. He’s been studying physics for three days. He wants to get an excellent grade in the exam."
10. I've been trying to find my old notebook for twenty minutes
Пример: Peter is a butcher. (Пётр - мясник)
(sell a lot of meat) (продавать много мяса)
He has sold a lot of meat. (Он продал много мяса)
1. Mr Nelson is an architect. (Мистер Нельсон - архитектор)
(build some modern cottages) (построить несколько современных коттеджей)
He has built some modern cottages. (Он построил несколько современных коттеджей)
2. Mr Kirk is a baker. (Мистер Кирк - пекарь)
(become famous for his wonderful bread) (стать известным благодаря его восхитительному хлебу)
He has become famous for his wonderful bread. (Он стал известным благодаря его восхитительному хлебу)
3. Nelly is fond of painting. (Нелли увлекается рисованием)
(draw funny pictures of animals) (рисовать забавные рисунки животных)
She has drawn funny pictures of animals. (Она нарисовала забавные рисунки животных)
4. Jack is a postman. (Джек - почтальон)
(bring me so many letters and magazines) (приносит мне так много писем и журналов)
He has brought me so many letters and magazines. (Он принёс мне так много писем и журналов)
5. Angela is bad at mathematics. (Анжела плоха в математике)
(not learn how to add well) (не уметь хорошо складывать числа)
She hasn't learnt how to add well. (Она не научилась хорошо складывать)
6. Steve is so ill now. (Стив сейчас очень больной)
(not feel so bad since his operation) (не чувствовать себя так плохо с тех пор, как ему сделали операцию)
He hasn't felt so bad since his operation. (Он не чувствовал себя так плохо с тех пор, как ему сделали операцию)
Извиняюсь за первого, кто ответил тебе(
James was riding a motorbike.
-No, he wasn't riding a bike.
James ran over the dog.
-James didn't run over the dog.
James threw a stone at the dog.
-James didn't throw a stone at the dog.
Извини, с "(see) two не понял"
The dog was barking at James all the time.
The dog wasn't barking at James.
The dog bit James.
-The dog didn't bite James.
Все предложения с "-" - ответы