1) Julia was talking with her friend. - Джулия разговаривала со своим другом.
2) Martin was taking a shower. - Мартин принимал душ.
3) John was in France last May. - Джон был во Франции маем.
4) I was reading fairytales. - Я читал сказки.
5) My sister was doing her homework. - Моя сестра делала свою домашнюю работу.
1) We were surpised by news. - Мы удивились новостям.
2) Boys were laughing. - Мальчики смеялись.
3) Children were jumping. - Дети прыгали.
4) Birds were tweeting. - Птицы чирикали.
5) My parents were gone. - Мои родители ушли.
The Sinai Peninsula is full of posh hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, excursion agencies, souvenir shops and surfing schools. People, who visit Egypt, usually buy lots of presents for their friends and relatives. Typical Egyptian souvenirs are aroma oils and perfume bottles, papyrus, alabaster statuettes, spices, hibiscus tea, exquisite jewelry and other beautiful handmade objects.