1 Let's go out. It isn't raining now. 2 Julia is very good at languages. She speaks four languages very well. 3 Hurry up! Everybody is waiting for you. 4 Are you listening to the radio? No, you can turn it off. 5 Do you listen to the radio every day? No, just occasionally. 6 The River Nile flows into the Mediterranean. 7 Look at the river . It is flowing very fast today - much faster than usual. 8 We usually grow vegetables in our garden, but this year we aren't growing any. 9 How is your English? Not bad. It is improving slowly. 10 Ron is in London at the moment. He is staying at the Park Hotel. He always stays there when he's in London.
Мои родственники живут в Луизиане, США. Они специалисты по дикой природе. Они заботятся о выдрах: их довольно много в Луизиане. Они подготавливают выдр для жизни в дикой природе. Некоторые выдры проданы в зоопарки. Но больше всего животных отправляются в штаты, где выдры исчезли. Когда я посещаю своих родственников, я им заботиться о выдрах. Я люблю выдр, я кормлю их, я чищу их клетки. Мой дядя говорит, что он счастлив, что выдры возвращаются обратно, и я тоже этому рад. Я думаю, это необходимо диким животным. Теперь я знаю, что хочу работать для парка дикой природы
2 Julia is very good at languages. She speaks four languages very well.
3 Hurry up! Everybody is waiting for you.
4 Are you listening to the radio? No, you can turn it off.
5 Do you listen to the radio every day? No, just occasionally.
6 The River Nile flows into the Mediterranean.
7 Look at the river . It is flowing very fast today - much faster than usual.
8 We usually grow vegetables in our garden, but this year we aren't growing any.
9 How is your English? Not bad. It is improving slowly.
10 Ron is in London at the moment. He is staying at the Park Hotel. He always stays there when he's in London.