1. You should have seen the painting. 2. I should have warned you. 3. He should have taken the early train. 4. She should have given him her address. 5. I should have got your ticket. 6. I only wish that the weather should have been better. 7. You should have gone with them. 8. He should have been there. 9. I should have brought those shoes with me. 10. You should have brought a sweater. 11. He should have checked it out. 12. They should have come by now.
1. I wish it wouldn't rain tomorrow. 2. I wish he'd come early. 3. I wish you could understand that. 4. I wish you could have seen it for yourself. 5. It is a pity that you didn't call him. 6. He wished he had written to his mother. 7. He wished he knew the girl's address. 8.You will regret that you have not learnt to swim. 9. I wish he'd come by now. 10. Some wished they had stayed at home. 11. She will regret that she does not speak English. 12. I wish it were not so cold today.
Роза стала національною квіткою Англії після війни Червоної і Білої троянд. Червона троянда символізує Ланкастерів, а біла троянда — Йорків. Війна між ними закінчилася в 1485 році, коли Генріх Тюдор став королем. Він створив нову троянду, об'єднавши дві старі. З того моменту червоно-біла троянда — квітка Англії.