Sports play a big role in people's lives. After all, sport is the basis of good health. Therefore, boys and girls are encouraged to engage in various sports from an early age. For example: tennis, Cycling, swimming, aerobics.Physical education gives people a boost of energy, strengthens the immune system and protects against various diseases. As for me, I really like to swim.Training helps to keep the muscles in good shape and strengthen the joints of the arms and thighs. It also has a positive effect on the spine. It becomes more flexible and smooth. I always follow tennis Championships around the world. One of the most popular tennis players is Novak Djokovic. The magnificent Serbian has won 10 Grand slam tournaments, and this is not the end of his brilliant sports career.Sport gives me a great mood and develops my ability to work
Спорт играет большую роль в жизни людей. Ведь спорт-это основа крепкого здоровья. Поэтому мальчикам и девочкам рекомендуется заниматься различными видами спорта с раннего возраста. Например: теннис, велоспорт, плавание, аэробика.Физкультура дает людям заряд бодрости, укрепляет иммунитет и защищает от различных заболеваний. Что касается меня, то я очень люблю плавать.Тренировки поддерживать мышцы в хорошей форме и укреплять суставы рук и бедер. Он также оказывает положительное влияние на позвоночник. Она становится более гибкой и гладкой. Я всегда слежу за теннисными чемпионатами по всему миру. Один из самых популярных теннисистов-Новак Джокович. Великолепный серб выиграл 10 турниров Большого шлема, и это еще не конец его блестящей спортивной карьеры.Спорт дарит мне отличное настроение и развивает во мне трудо
1. William Shakespeare had good fortune. Other babies died, but he did not. He was lucky.
2. The plague was a terrible disease. It was a sickness that passed from one person to another.
3. Shakespeare wrote plays , and he and his friends acted in them at the theatre.
4. Shakespeare wrote very well. He had a special ability. He was a genius.
5. Shakespeare got older. He stopped working and retired.
6. Shakespeare's wife had two children born at the same time. She had twins.
7. Shakespeare wrote about ideas and emotions. The writing had short lines and few words. He wrote poems.
3. Slava and Dima were at the libary yesterday.
4. Ira and Vita were at the cafe yesterday.
5. Nikita was at the theatre yesterday.
6. My parents were at work yesterday.