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28.10.2022 13:04 •  Английский язык

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The millions of peopie who eat out every day have a wide variety of needs and tastes from a quick lunch to a luxurious meal with elaborate service. Because of these differences there are many kinds of restaurants varying from street stands serving snacks and fast food to elaborate restaurants with the best cooking. Restaurants generally fit into the following categories. The gourmet restaurant is a restaurant which offers meals that appeal to a person who appreciates the best in food and drink. Such person is called a gourmet. The service and prices are usually in accord with the quality of the meal so that these restaurants are the most expensive and luxurious of all food-service establishments. The family-type restaurant. Many eating places serve simple food moderate prices that appeal to family groups. Perhaps their principal feature is the reliability they offer their customers through standardized food and service. Many of these restaurants are owned by chains or operated under a franchise, an arangement in wiich the name and procedures of the business are leased fron a central organization. The specially restaurant offers a limited variely or style of food. lengua y specialize in steaks or in fish or in a particular kind of national food, or it may depend on the nosphere, decor, or personality of the owner to attract custoners. Boun the uality of the food and the prices are usually between those of the gourmet and famly-type restaurants. Tne convenience restaurant serves customers who want to eat in a hurry and are interested in fast service, cleanliness and low price. One example of such an eating place is the lunch counter which ordinarily serves sandwiches and Other simple foods and beverages. A modern variation of the lunch counter is the fast food operation. Another way to categorize restaurants is by the kind of service ; they offer. There are basically four types: table service, counter service, self-service and take away (carry-out). In table service restaurants, customers are seated at tables where food is served by a waiter or a waitress. In counter service restaurants, customers sit at a counter and are served either by the person who prepares the food or hy a waiter of waitress. A seli-service restaurant is trequently called a buffet .or cafeteria. There customers pass in front of a counter where food is displayed and help themselves to what they wani, then they carry the foou a tabie themseives.
Вопрос :
Answer the following questions:
Why are there so many different restaurants?
What types of restaurants are mentioned in the text? What is a gourmet? What kind of food does a gourmet restaurant offer? Why is it expensive?
What is the principal feature of a family-type restaurant? What other things appeal to people in such restaurants? What is a franchise? What does a specialty restaurant offer? How does it compare with gourmet and family-type restaurant
Who eats at convenience restaurants?
Why have they become so popular? What category do institutional foodservices fall into?
• • How are street stands categorized?
What is another way to categorize restaurants? What is the ference between
table service and counter service? • How is a self-service restaurant frequently called?
What kind of service is take-away (carry-out)?
• Why is it growing so fast?
What is gourmet cuisine? How is it different from other type foodservices? Why do many areas rely heavily on regional cuisine? Why is the choice of cuisine so important both for the custom and the

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4,8(24 оценок)
cool good или нет и все равно будет не очень хорошо и если хотите я буду жить дальше в вк или на Украине в
4,4(75 оценок)
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XIII. Измените предложения, как в модель.

модель.Модель: В их распоряжении и читальные залы, и большая библиотека.

модель.Модель: В их распоряжении и читальные залы, и большая библиотека.В их распоряжении читальные залы, а также большая библиотека.

модель.Модель: В их распоряжении и читальные залы, и большая библиотека.В их распоряжении читальные залы, а также большая библиотека.1. У них обоих есть большой бассейн.

модель.Модель: В их распоряжении и читальные залы, и большая библиотека.В их распоряжении читальные залы, а также большая библиотека.1. У них обоих есть большой бассейн.и отличные теннисные корты в их школе. 2. Мы будем изучать в университете французский и немецкий языки. 3. Они используют и то и другое видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.

видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.лаборатория

видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.лаборатория4. В Великобритании есть как государственные, так и государственные школы. 5. Вы можете опубликовать свой

видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.лаборатория4. В Великобритании есть как государственные, так и государственные школы. 5. Вы можете опубликовать свойстатьи как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных журналах. 6. И мальчики, и девочки могут

видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.лаборатория4. В Великобритании есть как государственные, так и государственные школы. 5. Вы можете опубликовать свойстатьи как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных журналах. 6. И мальчики, и девочки могутприсутствовать на этом

видео и аудио материалы. 3. Они будут финансировать и библиотеку, и физику.лаборатория4. В Великобритании есть как государственные, так и государственные школы. 5. Вы можете опубликовать свойстатьи как в отечественных, так и в зарубежных журналах. 6. И мальчики, и девочки могутприсутствовать на этомшкола. 7. Они проигнорировали и наше предложение, и совет ноктюрн

4,8(66 оценок)

David: Hi, Christina. How are you? Are you in the mood for holidays?  

Christina: Hi, David. I’m fine, thank you. I am, of course. Seven hours later we’ll have Christmas. By the way, Merry Christmas!

David: Thank you, it’s my favourite holiday. My family is already getting ready for the feast.

Christina: What are they cooking?

David: Well, my mum always cooks a roast turkey with rosemarine leaves. It is incredibly delicious. You should come and try it sometimes.

Christina: With pleasure. In fact, I’m free after 7 pm today and can visit you. However, it will be a quick visit, as I still haven’t bought the postcards for some of my friedns.

David: No problem. Come to see us. I think the turkey should be ready by that time and you can have a slice.

Christina: I’ve never tried turkey with rosemarine. It should taste good. What else is your mum cooking?

David: She is also in charge of the desserts. Her main specialty is Christmas pudding.

Christina: My parents also cook pudding but with small good luck object in it. So in case you try a piece be careful not to swallow anything. Did you know about this tradition?

David: No, it’s the first time I hear about it. Which object do you mean?

Christina: It’s an old British tradition which my parents follow. They put a silver coin, a thimble, a ring and an anchor charm in the pudding. A person who gets a coin is supposed to be lucky and successful all year round.

David: How about the other ones?

Christina: The person who gets a thimble gets a sign of thrift. A ring is an anticipation of wedding, an anchor symbolizes a safe year. In fact, it protects the receiver from possible dangers.

David: That’s an interesting tradition. We’ve never practised it. What other Christmas traditions do you follow?

Christina: By some reason, my parents always place the presents under the Christmas tree.

David: We place them in the stockings which hang above the fireplace.

Christina: That’s what most people in Britain do, don’t they?

David: Yes, you’re right. What else do you do on Christmas night?

Christina: We often go to see the fireworks after midnight. Would you like to join us?

David: With pleasure. Do you mean the fireworks of the Central Square?

Christina: Yes, it’s almost round the corner. Why not to go and admire the city festivities? Apart from fireworks there is always a merry fair and some carousels. Everything is lit by cheerful colors and lights. I like the atmosphere of this day.

David: Me too. Let’s go there together.

Christina: What are you going to do after the 25th of December?

David: Well, I’m having a short holiday after that and I hope to spend these days usefully.

Christina: My school is also on holiday. Let’s pick a day to go skiing in the woods, shall we?

David: Sounds like a good idea. I’ll tell my dad to fix up my skis. One was broken last year.

Christina: I see. Then let me know when it’s fixed and we can have a small ski adventure.

David: Ok, I have to go now. Hope to see you a little later today.

Christina: See you.

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