5 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns. 1 John, had never been interested in the environment, suddenly joined Greenpeace. 2 The price of kale, is a vegetable similar to wild cabbage, has doubled over the last couple of years. 3 You can get to the island by ferry in about 10 minutes, is very convenient for tourists. 4 Jo,.
grandfather was a tribal chief, wants to learn more about Native Americans. 5 A national newspaper has just chosen Solihull, grew up, as the best place to live,
Correspondent: Hello, Miss Carey. Can I ask you a
few questions?
Miss Carey: Hello! Yes, please.
Correspondent: Have you ever had any pet?
Miss Carey: Yes, I have got a kitten recently. It was
my birthday present. I have got it in my
Correspondent: It’s lovely! What is its name?
Miss Carey: Sherry. It’s a nice name, isn’t it?
Correspondent: Yes, very nice. Could you tell any more
about Sherry?
Miss Carey: Oh, I’m afraid. I have just heard a
strange noise behind you!
Correspondent: Oh, look! Sherry has just pushed my
tape recorder. It’s ruined.
Miss Carey: I’m sorry!