Спортивный клуб "Эллада" объявляет набор школьников 7-9 классов в бесплатную группу активного отдыха. Занятия будут проводиться по средам и субботам в 17.00. В программе: 1. бег трусцой 2. плавание в открытом бассейне 3. пеший туризм 4. занятия фитнесом 5. аэробика 6. легкая атлетика. Справка о состоянии здоровья обязательна. Оргкомитет
Sports club "Hellas" declares a set of students of 7-9 grades in a group of a free outdoor activity. Classes will be held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 5 PM. In the program: 1. Jogging 2. Swimming in the outdoor pool 3. Hiking 4. Fitness classes 5. Aerobics 6. Athletics. Certificate of health is required. The organizing Committee
1. We are friends because we have a lot in common.
2. Skateboarding is a popular pastime for teenagers in Kazakhstan.
3. Martial arts are really popular in our country.
4. My father does a lot of physical exercises to keep fit.
5. Sport is a great way to improve strength and balance.
6. Martial arts provide great workout for body and mind.
7. Many teenagers today take up such hobby as skateboarding.
8. Healthy lifestyle is a key to a long and happy life.
9. Skateboarding is an element of the latest street fashion.
10. Sport teaches us such values as discipline.