І. Translate the following words into English: Документальна література, каталог, проконсультуватися, емоція, зразок, поезія, роман, драма, драматург, твір, досягнення, успіх, досягати, уява. ІI. Match two columns and make up not least as 3 sentences using these phrases. New people Catalogue number amusing title inspire dramatist great thought
-I meet my friends both in internet and real life. It can be some kind of social networks , or particular places such as school, caffe shop or park.
- Online I'm usually checking my emails, chatting with my friends or playing computer games.
- No, I don't write a blog. But I very enjoy reading blogs of the other people.
- I'm chatting online only when I have a free time. It can be approximately 30 minutes up to 2 hours daily
- I'm sending texts regularly, especially to my family , classmates or best friends.
Свои вопросы :
Do you watch movies online?
What is your favorite site?
Do you play computer games?
Do you watch videos on YouTube ?