2 июня 1953 года в Лондоне церемония коронации Елизаветы II, и это событие стало одним из самых зрелищных в истории Британии XX века. В тот день множество доброжелателей собралось в Лондоне, чтобы своими глазами увидеть праздничную процессию и поприветствовать юную Елизавету, а миллионы британцев замерли у телевизоров и радиоприемников, стараять не упустить ни единой детали трансляции. Коронация Елизаветы II стала настоящим праздником для всей страны, первым грандиозным событием после тяжелых послевоенных лет. Коронация состоялась почти через полтора года после того, как Елизавета была провозглашена королевой. Когда ее отец, Георг VI, скончался 6 февраля 1952 года, Елизавета вместе с мужем, герцогом Эдинбургским, находилась с официальным визитом в Кении. Так случилось, что печальную новость из Лондона сначала узнал герцог Эдинбургский. Он пригласил супругу на прогулку, во время которой и сообщил Елизавете, что она стала королевой.
June 2, 1953 in London was held the ceremony of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, and this event has become one of the most spectacular in the history of Britain of the twentieth century. That day a lot of well-wishers gathered in London to witness a festive procession to welcome the young Elizabeth, and millions of Britons stood at the televisions and radios, to starat not to miss a single part of the broadcast. The coronation of Elizabeth II became a real holiday for the whole country, the first major event after the difficult post-war years. The coronation took place a year and a half after Elizabeth was proclaimed Queen. When her father, George VI, died on 6 February 1952, Elizabeth along with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, paid an official visit to Kenya. It so happened that the sad news from London first recognised the Duke of Edinburgh. He invited the wife for a walk, during which he reported to Elizabeth, she became Queen.
Это задание только на времена группы Present
1. Cindy never does her homework, that’s why the teacher gets angry with her.
2. Dad is washing the car now. He doesn't like it, but mum always wants the car to be clean.
3. Baby Lisa doesn't walk, she only crawls.
4. “Is Paul studying for the biology exam?” “No, he isn't. In fact, he is phoning Mandy.”
5. Let’s go home! It is too late for the children.
6. Do you understand the maths homework?
7. Terry is having lunch now, so he can't go out.
8. Alice’s children spend hours in front of the TV. They are watching it now.
9. We always stay in a 5-star-hotel whenever we travel to London, but this time we are staying at a friend’s house.
10. My brother is saving his pocket money to get a new laptop.
11. Carol doesn't like meat, so she never eats hamburgers.
12. “What time does the plane take off?” “I think it takes off at 19:50.
13. Yes, of course I can help you; I'm not doing anything important now.
14. Tom isn't in. He is swimming. He usually swims on Friday evening.
15. Mum is always telling me I play the music loud. What a nuisance!
16. “Does the new TV series begin at 9 or 10 p.m.?” “It begins at 9:30.”
17. “Is Paul writing his essay, dear?” “No, mum, he is chatting with Adam."