1. A computer system architect designs computers and their accessory equipment. 2. An analyst uses a computer to solve specific problems. 3. No, it isn't. 4. Computer systems perform various functions that can be used for many different applications and in many different business. 5. From the reading, I know analog, digital and hybrid computers. 6.Analog computers are used in order to measure and control physical quantities continuously. 7. Digital computers use numbers instead of physical quantities. 8. Analog computers are used in applications that require continuous measurement and control. Digital computers are used business data processing. 9. Hybrid computers are machines that combine both digital and analog abilities. 10. They find application in household appliances such as microwave ovens and sewing machines.
Dear "Имя",
I haven't heard from you in a long while and I thought I should give you an update about my home duties, so maybe you can reply and tell me about yours. I have a lot of home duties because my Mom and Dad are currently on a vacation in San Francisco, so the house is on me completly. Every day when i wake up i clean our kitten's toilet and feed it. Then, i usually do some vacuum cleaning and washing dishes. When i'm finally done, i go out to see Chrisitne and some other friends. What's your home duties, "Имя"?
Waiting for your response.
Sincirely, "Имя автора письма".
5)a lot of