Guess their meaning from the context and replace them with an appropriate real world Good 1naman, everyone. = Good morning\afternoon, everyone не могу понять смысл задания и что от меня требуется
Принесите в класс фотографию спортивного занятия и опишите ее. Figure skating is a winter sport in which athletes move on ice skating, usually to the music. The athlete can be one, or it could be a double act (and even group).In addition, the athletes move around the rink, they perform spins, jumps, support and so on.There are five disciplines: pair skating, men single skating, female single skating, synchronized skating and ice dance. Перевод Фигурное катание - это зимний вид спорта, в котором спортсмены передвигаются по льду на коньках, обычно под музыку. Спортсмен может быть один, или же это может быть парное выступление (и даже групповое).Кроме того, что спортсмены передвигаются по катку, они выполняют вращения, прыжки, поддержки и так далее.Есть пять видов дисциплин: парное катание, одиночное мужское катание, одиночное женское катание, синхронное катание и спортивные танцы.
1. Who founded Moscow? 2. When did Moscow become the capital of the principality of Moscovia? 3. How was Moscow becoming the political and religious centre of Russia? 4. When did Moscow become the most powerful of the Russian city-states? 5. Why was Moscow declared the Third Rome and true heir of Christianity in 1453? 6. Who was the first Tsar of All Russia? 7. Why did Moscow become the main target of Napoleon's attack? 8. When had the city been completely restored after the great fire? 9. What is the population of the city now? 10. How many museums are there in Moscow?