1) She usually walks to school.
2) The child seldom cries.
3) Marc likes fruits and vegetables.
Все эти предложения в Present Simple, так как они выражают постоянные действия, которые происходят в жизни человека. Для Present Simple характерны такие указатели времени: usually, sometimes, never, seldom, often(обычно, иногда, никогда, редко, часто).
Например, I often go fishing- я часто иду на рыбалку. Действие постоянное , это простое настоящее время.
В то время как Present Continuous выражает действия, которые происходят прямо в данный момент.
Например, I am watching TV now- я сейчас смотрю телевизор. Это действие происходит в данный момент и также есть NOW- характерное для этого времени.
Greetings to my dear viewers of my channel “cooking together”. Today I will show you how to make cupcakes. this dessert is considered my favorite. and we will cook according to my mom’s recipe. The recipe is very simple and not expensive. But the most important thing is delicious. First we need all the necessary products. the first thing you need to do is dough. To do this, break two eggs in a bowl and beat well with a blender. whipping eggs with a blender until a homogeneous yellow mass, gradually pour one glass of sugar. without stopping we add one hundred and fifty milliliters of milk. stirring, the mass acquires a slightly white tint, we also add one hundred and fifty milliliters of sunflower oil. stir again, then add one spoonful of vanillin. pour two hundred grams of flour and baking powder into a bowl. the flour becomes thick for muffins, that’s it. we take a special form for muffins, grease with vegetable oil, turn on the oven one hundred and eighty degrees. put the dough in half form. the form is sent to the oven for 20-30 minutes. After waiting at such a time, the cupcakes should be ready. removing the form from the oven, we look at the result. turned out to be ruddy air cupcakes. you can add powdered sugar, but this is optional. Bon Appetit!
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