How many people have so many opinions. Some young people respect the adults and their work, which depends on education. Today, few young will give way to a grandparent in the bus, but middle-aged people often help the elderly.
Parents often quarreling with their parents, which is not true of their grandchildren. Grandchildren love grandparents as they them. Frequent quarrels between parents and adult beginners because of grandchildren. I am of the opinion that young people are less quarrel with their grandparents than their parents.
Сколько людей столько и мнений. Некоторые молодые люди уважают взрослых и их труд,что зависит от воспитания. В наше время мало кто из молодых уступит место бабушке или дедушке в автобусе,однако люди среднего возраста очень часто старикам.
Родители часто ссоряться со своими родителями,что нельзы сказать о внуках. Внуки любят бабушек и дедушек, как и они их. Часто ссора между родителями и взрослыми начинается именно из-за внуков. Я придерживаюсь мнения,что молодые люди меньше ругаются с бабушками и дедушками,чем их родители.
Once the author went to the British museum to receive data on treatment of one insignificant illness. But instead of leaving it started looking through lists of symptoms of other diseases. Soon he found out that has many diseases. It became clear to it that he never to recover. He was upset and went to consult to the doctor. This doctor was his friend. It always encouraged the friend when it seemed to that that it is sick. The doctor listened to all complaints of the patient, examined it and wrote out the recipe. The author went at once to a drugstore. But the druggist returned the recipe because the recipe was unusual. Advice which the doctor gave to the patient, testified that the doctor well knew it and had sense of humour. The author followed advice of the doctor, his life was saved, and health improved, but it avoided to tell someone about this case because it was a shame to it.