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such ... as; efforts: independent: have changed; made up; trend3 the late; B motor vehicle; virtually: market. 1. The first "modern". " was invented in Germany in 2. The automobile industry is the result of technical, industrial and human in the modern auto industry is concentration. 1800s. 3. The nain 4. the automobile market belongs to large lirms. 5. There are two small ... producers now. 6. The Big Three dominates the autonobile ... in the USA. 7. The Big Three is of Ford. General Motors and Chrysler corporations 8. Thie growth of autonanulacturing in countries Germany, Italy, France, Japan and some others the situation on the world automobile market.
1. Red can be the colour of danger. When traffic lights аrе red, they warn drivers and pedestrians to stop. The red light is always on the top of the lights where еvеrуоnе can see it.
2. Red is also the colour for kings and queens. When royalty visit places, people roll out a red carpet for them to walk
З) This is а sign of respect. Let’s recollect there was a ‘Red Corner’ (or it was called ‘red side’ of the room - Красный угол в избе) with icons in every Russian home.
4) The Red Cross is а symbol of protection. It is the symbol of an organization which gives help to those who need it. During a war, soldiers don't fire at those who carry the Red Cross symbol.
4) A red rose is a sign of Romantic love. On Valentine's Day people give each other red roses or chocolates in red boxes that look like hearts.
5) Red Square in Moscow in ancient times meant ‘Beautiful’
6) Red Army, Red Banner, Red Tie – meant honour and valour. Red here symbolizes the blood shed for the Fatherland.