since the usa is one of the largest countries in the world, it is very diverse. america is divided into 50 states and each of them has its own star on the american flag. each state has its own government and even its own laws, which vary from state to state. the us capital is washington - the city where the white house is located. other major cities are new york, chicago, los angeles and san francisco. they are major financial and cultural centers. an interesting fact is that the united states borders only with two countries - canada and mexico, but is washed by two oceans - the atlantic and the pacific and is known for its beaches in california.
Sheena said she would go to the dentist's tomorrow.
John said she had lived here all her life.
Mike and Anna said they were going to the party tonight.
Her Mom said Sheila could read the book.
My little brother said he had a problem.
Simon said he had a strange feeling he has seen him before.
My sister said she was meeting Sean after school.
Jim told me I mightn't like what he was going to say.
Dad said if I don't like his food, I might not eat it.
Keira told Hannah she had to finish this task today.
My brother complained to my Mom I wasn't speaking to him because we'd had an argument.