dirtier, the dirtiest(грязнее, самый грязный).
wetter, the wettest(влажнее, самый влажный)
hotter, the hottest(жарче, самый жаркий)
lazier, the laziest(ленивее, самый ленивый)
tastier, the tastiest(вкуснее, самый вкусный)
sadder, the saddest(печальнее, самый печальный)
taller, the tallest(выше, самый высокий)
muddier, the muddiest(мутнее, самый мутный)
easier, the easiest(легче, самый лёгкий)
braver, tge bravest(храбрее, самый храбрый)
stronger, the strongest(сильнее, самый сильный)
wider, the widest(шире, самый высокий)
sadder, the saddest(печальнее, самый печальный)
slimmer, the slimmest(стройнее, самый стройный)
fatter, the fattest(толстее, самый толстый)
richer, the richest(богаче, самый богатый)
faster, the fastest(быстрее, самый быстрый)
old, the oldest(старее, самый старый)
The USA is a large country in North America. Its neighbours are Mexico and Canada. The country extends from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy Alaska to sunny Florida in the southeast. The US has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kinds of land such as rocky mountains, sandy beaches, grasslands, forests and other. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi. There are 50 states that make up the USA, where live 300 million people. The capital city is Washington D. C. Its territory doesn't belong to any state. The US government and its Congress are situated there. The largest city in the country is New York City. New York City is famous for its skyscrapers.