I think that people in future will forget how to communicate with each other, they won't talk face-to-face. They'll have no time and great need in it. I think that much will depend on the Internet, and if we always use it, we'll be always very stressful, rude, impolite, and it'll annoy other people. Or maybe scientists will invent such gadgets which will read our thoughts and people won't use words but they will just share their thoughts.
Думаю, что люди в будущем забудут, как общаться друг с другом, не будут разговаривать лицом к лицу. У них не будет на это времени и большой нужды. Я думаю, что многое будет зависеть от интернета, и если мы всегда будем им пользоваться, мы всегда будем очень подвержены стрессам, будем грубыми, невежливыми, и это будет раздражать других людей. Или, может быть, ученые изобретут такие гаджеты, которые будут читать наши мысли, и люди не будут использовать слова, а просто будут делиться своими мыслями.
1. have never been
2. is filming
3. brought
4. tries, would accept
5. releases
6. will shut down, has used
7. had never eaten
8. is boiling, am going to make
9. is flying
10. will have finished
11. was photographing, had been performing
12. will have
13. doesn`t want
14. have been waiting
15. will have invented
16. had been working (was working)
17. smells
18. doesn`t believe
19. was he sleeping?
20. drives, is going to crash
22. does it come
23. was giving, had made
24. will do
25. had arrived
26. do you get back
27. realised, forgot
28. will have had
29. took, didn`t do
30. hadn`t been speaking, saw
31. hadn`t stopped
32. was, fell, was reading
33. fell, made, doesn`t feel, is seeing,gets
34. was, expected
35. spent, was smoking, smells, am going to wash it
36. had been studying, passed, get
1. be brought
2. examine
3. be examined
4. are attended
5. attend
6. buy
7. be bought
8. take
9. be taken
10 were told
11. was called
12. directed