5. a) Match the words in bold from the texts with the definitions, 1 excursion (n.) a short journey made by a group of people for pleasure 2. (n.) the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside, such as the mountains, forests, etc. 8. (n.) a flat area next to a building or on a roof, where you can sit. (v.) to arrange to have a seat on an aircraft, a room in a hotel, etc. (n.) special glasses that fit close to your face to protect your eyes.
2. It’s so quiet in the house! Where are the children? – They are sleeping.
3. Let’s have a break and go out to lunch together. – I’m sorry, I can’t. I'm preparing a very important project.
4. You are always coming late. Don’t you realize it’s not polite to keep people waiting?
5. Jane is returning from her holiday tomorrow, isn't she? – Oh, yes, we are going to meet her at the station.
6. As far as I know, he is not looking for a new job. So he is unlikely to be interested in your offer.
7. What are they working at at the moment? – I have no idea, but it seems to be something special. They are making more and more experiments every day.
8. I'm moving to a new flat at the weekend. Perhaps you can help me if you are not doing anything special.
9. He is spending just a few days in Paris. – And where is he staying?
10. When are you leaving? – I don’t know actually. The embassy is still considering my application.