I like to relax in the summer in the countryside. Fresh air, beautiful scenery, the lack of the madding crowd, the feeling of freedom and relaxation.
I feel good out there, because I love nature, silence and solitude ...
In addition, due to the clean air and constant exercise in the countryside, in contrast to Moscow, I feel great and almost forget about health problems.
In the village live I liked. It's not like in the city. In the village the air is clean and fresh, there is no rush and noise of the city. In the village it's different. There are much nicer, quieter and easier to live. I think that living here can be any - will not bother.
to go - to went
to travel - to travelled
to dream - to dreamt или dreamed
to spend - to spent
to take - to took
Объяснение:это ли или нет,потому что по моему учебнику это так.