Loch Lomond Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve hy Loch Lomond is beautful lake in the west of The Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve is t the Scotiand. it's famous for its fantastic widiife and Astana and & covers more than hit f woodland. Come in the spring and you'll see the hectares of some of the most beaut wey woods full of beautful biuebelis and ransoms (mid Kazakhstan, The wet, swamoy langecape is the Garhc). in the woods sround the take, you can see perfect habitat for hundreds of’sheties of“anamals red deer and red squarels, and if you're really lucky, and plants. Here you can see roe deer, fir and otk you fugit even see the fare, mayesuc golden eagle. pacantbe sen ananen OS) and mushrooms The best way to expenence the beauty of the loch — that can't be seen anywhere is on one of the guided canoe tnps around the lake. Bua Korgalznyn ie mo famous fra the aman species You can visit ail the wonderful islands and see one of birds that go there. ‘Typ massive lakes on the of the begest surprises of the area. The pretty reserve are ke 4 ant crossroads for migrating tte island is home to the northemmost wid beds. The best tme to yRi is the beginning of population of rednecked wallatves! These May when you’ fish eagles, pelicans and i cule animals ongmnally come from Australia Siberian Finders. However, the star and were brougm to attractiong of Korgalzhyn are the famous Scotland over 70 years gos ploy snort be oe oo wa ago. these Supls pink birds.
Loch Lomond Loch Lomond is a beautiful lake in the west of Scotland. It's famous for its fantastic wildlife and woodland, Come in the spring and you'll see the woods full of beautiful bluebells and ransoms (wild garlic). In the woods around the lake, you can see red deer and red squirrels, and if you're really lucky. you might even see the rare, majestic golden eagle. The best way to experience the beauty of the loch is on one of the guided canoe trips around the lake. You can visit all the wonderful islands and see one of the biggest surprises of the area. The pretty little island is home to the northemmost wild population of red-necked wallabies! These cute animals originally came from Australia and were brought to Scotland over 70 years ago.
Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve
The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve is to the west of Astana and it covers more than half a million hectares of some of the most beautiful wetlands in Kazakhstan. The wet, swampy landscape is the perfect habitat for hundreds of species of animals and plants. Here you can see roe deer, lynx and elk as well as rare species of moss, lichen and mushrooms that can't be seen anywhere else.
But Korgalzhyn is most famous for all the amazing species of birds that go there. The two massive lakes on the reserve are like a giant crossroads for migrating birds. The best time to visit is the beginning of May when you'll fish see eagles, pelicans and Siberian white cranes. However, the star attractions of Korgalzhyn are the famous. greater flamingos. It's worth the trip just to see these beautiful pink birds.
Last year, my friend friend Andrew went to Holland. The Netherlands is the name of a significant part of the Netherlands. Some of the locals consider Holland the whole country. As everyone knows, Holland is a country of tulips. There are also windmills there. He visited not only the fields of tulips, but also architectural and historic buildings in Amsterdam. Another Netherlands business card is Rotterdam. Glory to the city as the largest port in Europe, so some call it a port city. The city is located in the province of Southern Holland. Andrew Andriev said that if someone ever goes to the Netherlands, then there is definitely a need to buy souvenirs. After all, they are going to hang around this wonderful and exciting journey.
Минулого року мій знайомий друг Андрій поїхав до Голландії. Голландія - назва значної частини Нідерландів. Дехто з місцевих жителів вважає Голландією всю країну. Як всім відомо Голландія - це країна тюльпанів. Ще там знаходяться вітряні млини. Він відвідував не тільки поля тюльпанів, а і архітекрні та історичні будинки в Амстердамі. Ще однією візитною карткою Нідерландів є Роттердам. Славиться місто найбільшим портом у Європі, тож його дехто так і називає - портове місто. Місто розташоване у провінції «Південна Голландія». Ще Андрій розплвіжа, що якщо хтось колись поїде до Нідерландів, то там обов'язково потрібно купити сувеніри. Адже вони будуь нашадувати про цю чудову та захоплюючу подорож.
1. We watched as the plane landed. 2. A police officer noticed that the driver violated the rules. 3. I heard you talking about me. 4. Not all heard, he announced the beginning of the lecture. 5. We did not notice the water in the lake has risen. 6. The children saw the dog jumped out of the window. 7. They watched as the ships disappear in the distance. 8. I saw a big fish jumped out of the water. 9. The neighbors did not see how we transported things. 10. A witness saw, he closed his office and sat in the car. 11. We want to see how farmers harvest. 12. Can I see how you cook a delicious pizza? 13. Hunter heard the animal moves in the dark. 14. Many fans watched their team trying to win a car race. 15. I heard them discussing the test results. 16. She did not notice that the editor re-read her article. 17. We have seen how he checked the aircraft before the flight. 18. He felt that everyone was looking at him. 19. I heard the police reported the accident. 20. Do not think that I did not notice that you copied the answer.
Loch Lomond Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve hy Loch Lomond is beautful lake in the west of The Korgaizhyn Nature Reserve is t the Scotiand. it's famous for its fantastic widiife and Astana and & covers more than hit f woodland. Come in the spring and you'll see the hectares of some of the most beaut wey woods full of beautful biuebelis and ransoms (mid Kazakhstan, The wet, swamoy langecape is the Garhc). in the woods sround the take, you can see perfect habitat for hundreds of’sheties of“anamals red deer and red squarels, and if you're really lucky, and plants. Here you can see roe deer, fir and otk you fugit even see the fare, mayesuc golden eagle. pacantbe sen ananen OS) and mushrooms The best way to expenence the beauty of the loch — that can't be seen anywhere is on one of the guided canoe tnps around the lake. Bua Korgalznyn ie mo famous fra the aman species You can visit ail the wonderful islands and see one of birds that go there. ‘Typ massive lakes on the of the begest surprises of the area. The pretty reserve are ke 4 ant crossroads for migrating tte island is home to the northemmost wid beds. The best tme to yRi is the beginning of population of rednecked wallatves! These May when you’ fish eagles, pelicans and i cule animals ongmnally come from Australia Siberian Finders. However, the star and were brougm to attractiong of Korgalzhyn are the famous Scotland over 70 years gos ploy snort be oe oo wa ago. these Supls pink birds.