Выразите свою точку зрения(3 предложения). UK will lose Northern Ireland soon and Wales and Scotland later, like it lost Hong Kong in 1997, because of the differences in languages, culture and history.
He will have been here for two hours by the time you come back. 2.”It is very late.” – “They will be back soon.”3. “There are no planes tonight.” – “Never mind, I will go by train.” 4. Will you be angry if I talk to you about it? 5. By the time you finish cooking they will have done their work. 6. “I am afraid, my train will have left by that time.” – “don't worry,I will drive you home.”7. I hope it will have stopped snowing by tomorrow morning. 8.If you think it is over you will see I am right. 9. If you do not take a taxi, you will be late. By the time you get to the theatre the first act will have been over and you will miss the most interesting dialogues.
Do you like figure skating? Тебе нравится фигурное катание? Of course, this sport is very similar to ballet. I love all winter sports. Конечно, этот спорт очень похож на балет. А вообще я люблю все зимние виды спорта. Oh, Yes, I also love winter sports, especially skiing. My family and I watch them on TV. О, да, я тоже люблю зимний спорт, особенно лыжные гонки. Мы смотрим их всей семьёй по телевизору. And do you like snowboarding? А нравится ли тебе сноуборд? No, I unfortunately do not understand this sport. I also don’t like Curling. Нет, я к сожалению не понимаю этот спорт, как и кёрлинг. I like competitions in Curling at the winter Olympics. А мне нравятся состязания по керлингу на зимних олимпиадах. Диалог о беге и личных спортивных улечениях Hi, I saw you run, long addicted to? Привет, я видел как ты бегаешь, давно этим увлекаешься? For 3 years I’ve been running every morning. What dispute are you addicted to? Уже 3 года бегаю каждое утро. А каким спором увлекаешься ты? I love to play tennis after work. Я люблю поиграть после работы в теннис. You play in a sports club? Ты играешь в спортивном клубе? Yes, come and you. Да, приходи и ты. Thank you, I will come on Saturday.