Подставь which, who, whose или where: 1. This is the sight … is very popular with tourists.
2. М
2. Meet my dear friends … come from the USA.
3. Let's dive to the reef … we could see the underwater statues.
4. This the man … dog bit my son yesterday.
5. The police found my documents … I lost in Rome.
2. When you come to me tomorrow ,I'm going to help my mother
3.Next summer we will go to Moscow
4.Yesterday,at 6 o'clock I've done my job
5. When will the movie,I have 2 hours I will knit socks
6. Tomorrow, at 6 PM mom to clean up, and I'll do
7.They won't go camping with us
8. When you will weed the beds,I water all the flowers
9. When you perform the job,I have 2 hours I will be waiting for you at grandma's
10. Where would you go on a Sunday?
11. Next Tuesday ,2 o'clock, I have to paint the picture
12. Tomorrow I will come to you
13. I usually go to bed at 11 o'clock
14. you have already written test?
15. Mu walk in the evenings.