1 58 years
2. 4 brothers, 3 sisters
Charles attended the school of Baptist Pastor William Gilles, even when the family moved to London again. Living in the capital was beyond John Dickens' means and in 1824 he was sent to debt prison.
4 He began to work
5 Living in the capital was beyond John Dickens' means and in 1824 he was sent to debt prison.
6 He worked in the Waxa factory
he began working as a freelance reporter with his distant relative, Thomas Charlton.
8 no because he would be alone
On June 9, 1870, fifty-eight-year-old Dickens, exhausted by colossal work, a rather disorderly life and a lot of troubles, died of a stroke in his Gadshill Place home, located in the village of Highham
My best friend’s name is Maria. She is not only my closest friend; she is also my oldest friend. We met when we both were five years old and we became friends immediately. Maria is very kind, helpful and good to talk to.
She is also very good-looking. She is quite short. Maria is well built and she has got an athletic figure and beautiful posture. Her shoulders are quite broad for a girl. She has got shapely arms and legs. Her neck is not very long and quite thin. Although she is naturally blonde, she is quite dark-skinned.
Maria has got fine features. Her face is oval shaped. Maria’s hair is very long and thick. It is curly. Her natural hair colour is blonde, but some time ago she dyed her hair brown. This colour suits her well and looks very natural because Maria has got thick dark eyebrows. Her forehead is quite high. She has got big sparkling hazel eyes. Her nose is small and straight, her ears are quite small and her lips are very full.
As Maria is very sporty, she often wears sports clothes and jeans. But she looks good in dresses as well. She doesn’t like high heels at all, that is why she usually wears gumshoes, trainers or flat shoes. She doesn’t usually wear jewellery, but she likes wearing various beautiful earrings.
1. fascinating
2. moving
3. scary
4. imaginativе
5. exciting
6. dull
7. appealing