1. You often need overcome obstacles
in order to do great things.
2. In 2011, two brothers have rowed a boat across the Atlantic to raise money for charity.
3 Luke is a considerate person, always willing persist to that extra mile to help people in need.
4 People who devote themselves to charity
work deserves our respect.
5 Even though David was in great pain, he went and finished the race.
6 The mayor honoured our school for its school for its charity work.
Сразу прощения, если вдруг получилось с ошибками. Надеюсь что смог
1. Put your gun very slowly on the ground - очень медленно положи своё оружие
2. You are quite smart - ты довольно умный
3. We are going to watch some movie tomorrow - мы собираемся посмотреть какой-нибудь фильм завтра
4. I never listen to rap - я никогда не слушаю рэп
5. Your room is upstairs - твоя комната наверху
6. Slowly turn around and face me - медленно повернитесь ко мне лицом
7. It's quite hot today - сегодня довольно жарко
8. I'm going to go to school tomorrow - я собираюсь завтра пойти в школу
9. I will never do that again - я никогда больше это не сделаю
10. Let's get upstairs and talk - давай поднимемся наверх и поговорим
1) Did you finish your homework?
2) Yes, i did
3) Did you buy a new video game?
4)you hear of it
5)Did he play it a lot