Russian national costume — existing for centuries, traditional clothes, footwear and accessories that was used by Russians in their everyday and festive use. Has noticeable characteristics depending on the region, gender (male and female), destination (holiday, wedding and casual) and age (children, maidens, married women, old women). While there is General similarity in cutting and in decoration techniques Russian costume had its own peculiarities. In Northern Russia peasants wore clothing very different from the peasants of the South. In Central Russia wore a suit similar in nature to the North, however, in some areas you could see the suit with the characteristics of South Russian clothing. A distinctive feature of Russian national costume — a large number of clothing. Clothing flare and swing. Flare clothing worn over the head, swing was cut from top to bottom and fastened with butt hooks or buttons.
It (was snowing) again. It (was) gorgeous. Just like a fairyland. All white. And the snow (was glistening) in the sun. But the snow flakes (were) light, and as I (glanced) out the window, I (noticed) that they (were melting) the moment they (hit) the pavement so it (could) not be the weather which (made) Andrew late getting home. "I think the traffic and the snow (were holding) him up," Sarah said. "If it (was snowing) in Connecticut, it (could be)(slowing) Andrew down, and everyone else who (was coming) back to the city on Sunday night. There, (was) probably a backup of cars." "That's true, yes," I (said), seizing on this possibility, wanting to ease worry. But the fact (was), Andrew was never late, and that was what (was troubling) me now. Sarah (knew) it as well as I (did), but neither of us (was voicing) this thought at the moment.
2.Mum, can I go out tonight?
3.Can I tree stay in the house?
may be it is correct